Monday, March 9, 2009

Mike Is Home!!!!!

We are so happy to have Mike home again finally!!! He has been missed the last four months. He enjoyed his deployment to Germany but is happy to be back home with the family. Judson was so excited to have his dad coming home that he told everyone he saw that his dad was coming home. This was not just people he knew it was everyone. Paislee was a little hesitant at first since she had only seen him on web cam the past 4 months. She has adjusted now and loves having her dad around. I wish that having him home meant that we would have some down time but that is not the case. We are leaving Washington in three weeks and will be heading to our next location.



Darbee said...

Welcome Home, Mike! I am so excited for ALL of you!

Lisa said...

Yay! Welcome home Mike. Good luck at SOS... we had a good time down there. My advice, take a weekend and go down to FL. It's definitely worth it!

Sharon said...

Yeah I bet you are so happy!