Monday, February 16, 2009


Sorry I have been such a slacker on keeping my blog updated. I wonder where all my time goes but really do I need to ask myself that question. Nothing too exciting has been happening with us. The kids and I are anxiously waiting for Mike to return home soon. Judson is enjoying all his many activities. Between swim lessons, preschool, and playing with friends he stays very busy. Paislee is growing up way too fast. She is almost six months and getting to be very mobile. She rolls everywhere and is getting good at scooting. She does not have a hard time getting to what she wants. I am not ready for her to be so mobile, I guess I better get ready!! As for me, I am just trying to get rid of stuff that we have accumulated since being in Washington that does not need to make the move. I am staying busy with two kids, trying to get a house rented and prepare for a move in which we will be living out of suitcases for two months. Never a dull moment around here!!!!!